
Ateez – [Treasure Epilogue: Action To Answer] Album RANDOM Version

Ateez – [Treasure Epilogue: Action To Answer] Album RANDOM Version

Release Date: January 7, 2020

Contents (per version):

  • 1 CD
  • 1 Photo Booklet (100 pages)
  • 1 Sticker
  • 1 Postcard Set (8 cards)
  • 1 Photo Card (random out of 8 types)
  • 1 Treasure Card
  • 1 Treasure Film


Depending on versions, contents (cover, photo book, mini book, photo cards, posters, etc.) in the official album package may vary.


All products are officially distributed BRAND NEW and FACTORY SEALED packages.

Your purchase quantity will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.


Track List

01. Answer * Title
02. 지평선 (Horizon)
03. Star 1117
04. Precious
05. Outro : Long Journey


Description (Translated):

-Global performance idol ATEEZ
-The final version of the TREASURE series, the epilogue album [TREASURE EPILOGUE : Action To Answer] released!

Global performance idol ATEEZ releases the epilogue album [TREASURE EPILOGUE: Action To Answer], the final version of the TREASURE series. Previously, ATEEZ released a total of four TREASURE series, built ATEEZ’s original concept and storytelling, and showed remarkable growth by attracting domestic and foreign fans. After a long journey, the members reached the end of the journey before they knew it. Through the epilogue album, they look back on their past journey and promise the future.

In this epilogue album, you can meet the deeper and more mature ATEEZ through the journey while maintaining the original conceptual image of ATEEZ. In the meantime, the members have shown a wide range of concept digestibility, and this album will be released in two types, the ‘A version’ with ATEEZ’s intense style and the upgraded ‘Z version’ with an upgraded restraint, to showcase the pinnacle of the TREASURE series concept. Is expected.


Description (Original):

-글로벌 퍼포먼스돌 ATEEZ(에이티즈)
-TREASURE 시리즈의 완결판, 에필로그 앨범 [TREASURE EPILOGUE : Action To Answer] 발매!

글로벌 퍼포먼스돌 ATEEZ(에이티즈)가 TREASURE 시리즈의 완결판 에필로그 앨범 [TREASURE EPILOGUE : Action To Answer]을 발매한다. 앞서 ATEEZ(에이티즈)는 총 4장의 TREASURE 시리즈를 발매하며 ATEEZ(에이티즈)만의 독창적인 콘셉트와 스토리텔링을 구축하였고, 국내외 팬들을 매료시키며 눈부신 성장을 보였다. 긴 여정을 지나 어느새 여정의 끝자락에 다다른 멤버들. 에필로그 앨범을 통해 지난 여정을 돌아보고 앞으로를 다짐한다.

이번 에필로그 앨범은 기존 ATEEZ(에이티즈)만의 컨셉츄얼한 모습은 유지하면서 여정을 지나 한층 깊고 성숙해진 ATEEZ(에이티즈)를 만날 수 있다. 그간 멤버들은 폭넓은 콘셉트 소화력을 보여주었는데, 이번 앨범은 ATEEZ(에이티즈)표 강렬한 스타일의 ‘A 버전’과 업그레이드된 절제미를 담은 ‘Z 버전’ 총 2종으로 발매되어 TREASURE 시리즈 콘셉트의 정점을 선보일 예정이다.

Ateez - [Treasure Epilogue: Action To Answer] Album RANDOM Version
Ateez - [Treasure Epilogue: Action To Answer] Album RANDOM Version
Ateez - [Treasure Epilogue: Action To Answer] Album RANDOM Version
Ateez - [Treasure Epilogue: Action To Answer] Album RANDOM Version

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