DreamCatcher – [Prequel] 1st Mini Album AFTER Version For Sale
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DreamCatcher – [Prequel] 1st Mini Album AFTER Version
DreamCatcher – [Prequel] 1st Mini Album AFTER Version
Release Date: July 28, 2017
Contents (per version):
- 1 CD
- 1 Photo Card
- 1 Photo Book (64 pages)
Depending on versions, contents (cover, photo book, mini book, photo cards, posters, etc.) in the official album package may vary.
All products are officially distributed BRAND NEW and FACTORY SEALED packages.
Your purchase quantity will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.
Track List
01. Before & After (Intro)
02. 날아올라 (Fly high)
03. Wake Up
04. Sleep-walking
05. 괜찮아!
06. 날아올라 (Fly high) (Inst.)
Description (Translated):
Dreamcatcher 1st Mini album [Prequel]
The seven nightmares, the beginning of that fantasy story. [Prequel]
The beginning of Dreamcatcher’s story in ‘Seven Nightmares’ is unveiled.
Dreamcatcher’s first mini-album [Prequel], like its name, is an album that deals with the stories before ‘Chase Me’ and ‘Good Night’.
If the previous two singles dealt with the story of Dreamcatcher and the so-called ‘Dream Hunter’ who became nightmares, this new mini-album [Prequel] is like a commentary that answers the question ‘Why did girls become nightmares’? to be.
Dreamcatcher put their heart and soul into promotion work even before the release of this album. Continuing the teaser image of the opposite concept that was attempted in the previous single, the fantasy story contained in [Prequel] was melted into the object in each image, drawing keen attention.
In particular, in the case of the teaser, in line with the concept that turned a girl into a nightmare, it stimulated curiosity by setting the midnight and the sunset time when the darkness descended as the release time. In addition, the mystery code that can infer the concept and title song led to enthusiastic responses from fans.
As it is the first mini-album, we put a lot of effort into it. In the case of the teaser photo, Taebaek, Gangwon-do was selected as the filming location to express the charm of a girl and a nightmare against the background of nature, and the music video was produced in all locations in Paris, France to capture an exotic and unique atmosphere.
This mini-album is expected to quench the thirst of those who have been thirsty for the volume of singles. A charming intro that starts the album, the title song ‘Fly Up’ by SEION, a female producer who is attracting attention for numerous hit songs, and various tracks such as ‘Wake Up’, ‘Sleep-walking’, and ‘Trust Me’ It made the album richer.
A new fantasy story presented by Dreamcatcher [Prequel]. Now it’s time to open that door.
[Track List]
1. Before & After (Intro)
The prologue of Dreamcatcher’s prequel story. The curtain rises on this album with an atmosphere as if you will be sucked into the past when you open the door.
Composed Ollounder LEEZ / Arranged Ollounder LEEZ / Keyboard LEEZ / Guitar Taehun Kim / Bass Ollounder / Drum Ollounder / Recording engineer Iljin Jung / Mixing engineer Seokmin Kim / Mastering engineer Namwoo Kwon
2. Fly high
This is the title track of Dreamcatcher’s first mini-album [Prequel]. After opening the door with a beautiful piano melody, a more dramatic song was born with the addition of gorgeous and powerful guitar sounds and Dreamcatcher’s own story of nightmares. The seven colors of Dreamcatcher, beautiful and mysterious like a rainbow, an inescapable nightmare like a rose with thorns, and a deadly fantasy that you can’t stop falling into. SEION, a female producer who is attracting attention with many hit songs such as Apink, Girl’s Day, and Cosmic Girls, participated in writing, composing and producing the song.
Lyrics SEION / Composed SEION / Arranged SEION / Keyboard SEION / Chorus Siyeon Lee, SEION / Guitar Taeyoung Ko / Bass TASCO / Recording engineer Iljin Jung / Mixing engineer Junseong Cho (assisted by Eunsuk Heo) / Mastering engineer Namwoo Kwon
3. Wake up
A song with free and adventurous lyrics and Dreamcatcher’s unique metal rock sound. Everyone will have a thought in their heart that they want to escape the boring daily life. You can feel the feeling of escaping with the lyrics and cool rock sound of this song. wake up! now!
Lyrics Kim Bo-eun / Composed Ollounder LEEZ / Arranged Ollounder LEEZ / Keyboard LEEZ / Chorus Lee Si-yeon LEEZ / Guitar Kim Tae-hoon / Bass Ollounder / Drum Ollounder / Recording engineer Jeong Il-jin / Mixing engineer Kim Seok-min / Mastering engineer Kwon Nam-woo
4. Sleep-walking
The tragic story of a girl who believes in false memories and her longing for sleepwalking, and her obsessive love are expressed with strong sound. It contains a strange charm like a dream catcher’s whisper that is like a nightmare. In addition, it stands out that the original color of the DnB (drum & bass) genre was revived.
Lyrics LEEZ Ollounder / Composed LEEZ Ollounder / Arranged LEEZ / Keyboard LEEZ / Chorus Lee Si-yeon Kim Yoo-hyeon LEEZ / Guitar Kim Tae-hoon / Bass LEEZ / Drum LEEZ / Recording engineer Jung Il-jin / Mixing engineer Kim Seok-min / Mastering engineer Kwon Nam-woo
5. It’s okay!
A song that reveals Dreamcatcher’s love for their fans. On a rainy day, you suddenly see yourself getting depressed, being hit by busy daily life, and having low self-esteem. It is an impressive rock ballad number with Dreamcatcher’s voice, lyrics, and melody that comforts them by patting them.
Lyrics Ollounder / Composed Ollounder / Arranged Ollounder / Keyboard Ollounder / Chorus Siyeon Lee / Guitar Taehoon Kim / Bass Ollounder / Drum Ollounder / Recording engineer Iljin Jung / Mixing engineer Seokmin Kim / Mastering engineer Namwoo Kwon
6. Fly high (Inst.)
Composed SEION / Arranged SEION / Keyboard SEION / Guitar Taeyoung Ko / Bass TASCO / Recording engineer Iljin Jung / Mixing engineer Joonseong Jo (assisted by Eunsook Heo) / Mastering engineer Namwoo Kwon
Description (Original):
Dreamcatcher 1st Mini album [Prequel]
일곱 악몽, 그 판타지 스토리의 시작. [Prequel]
‘일곱 악몽’ 드림캐쳐 이야기의 시작이 베일을 벗는다.
드림캐쳐의 첫 번째 미니앨범 [Prequel]은 그 이름처럼 앞서 선보였던 ‘Chase Me’와 ‘Good Night’, 그 이전의 이야기를 다룬 앨범이다.
앞선 두 싱글에서 악몽이 된 드림캐쳐와 일명 ‘드림헌터’의 이야기를 다뤘다면, 이번 새 미니앨범 [Prequel]은 ‘소녀들은 왜 악몽이 되었나’라는 그간의 의문에 대한 해답을 담은 해설서와 같은 작품이다.
드림캐쳐는 본 앨범을 발매하기 전부터 프로모션 작업에 심혈을 기울였다. 기존 싱글에서 시도했던 상반된 콘셉트의 티저 이미지를 이어가면서도 [Prequel]에 담긴 판타지 스토리를 각 이미지 속 오브제에 녹여내며 뜨거운 관심을 받았다.
특히 티저의 경우 소녀에서 악몽이 된 콘셉트에 맞춰, 기존에 콘텐츠를 공개했던 자정과 어둠이 내려앉는 일몰 시간을 공개 시점으로 잡아 호기심을 자극했다. 아울러 콘셉트와 타이틀곡을 유추할 수 있는 미스터리 코드로 팬들의 열띤 호응을 이끌기도 했다.
첫 미니앨범인 만큼, 남다른 공을 들였다. 티저 사진의 경우 강원도 태백을 촬영지로 선정해 대자연을 배경으로 소녀와 악몽의 반전 매력을 표현했으며, 뮤직비디오는 프랑스 파리 올 로케이션으로 제작해 이국적이면서도 독특한 분위기를 담아냈다.
이번 미니앨범은 그간 싱글의 볼륨감에 목말랐던 이들의 갈증을 풀어줄 것으로 기대된다. 앨범을 시작하는 매력적인 인트로, 수많은 히트곡으로 주목받고 있는 여성 프로듀서 SEION의 타이틀곡 ‘날아올라’, 그리고 ‘Wake Up’, ‘Sleep-walking’, ‘괜찮아(Trust Me)’ 등 다양한 트랙들을 수록해 앨범을 더욱 풍성하게 만들었다.
드림캐쳐가 선사하는 새로운 판타지 스토리 [Prequel]. 이제 그 문을 열 차례다.
[Track List]
1. Before & After(Intro)
드림캐쳐 프리퀄 스토리의 프롤로그. 마치 문을 열면 과거로 빨려 들어갈 것만 같은 분위기로 이번 앨범의 막을 올린다.
Composed Ollounder LEEZ / Arranged Ollounder LEEZ / Keyboard LEEZ / Guitar 김태훈 / Bass Ollounder / Drum Ollounder / Recording engineer 정일진 / Mixing engineer 김석민 / Mastering engineer 권남우
2. 날아올라(Fly high)
드림캐쳐의 첫 번째 미니앨범 [Prequel]의 타이틀 곡. 아름다운 피아노의 선율로 문을 연 뒤, 화려하고 파워풀한 기타사운드와 악몽을 노래하는 드림캐쳐만의 스토리가 더해져 한층 더 드라마틱한 곡이 탄생했다. 무지개처럼 아름답고 신비로운 드림캐쳐 7인의 일곱 가지 색깔, 가시 돋힌 장미처럼 헤어날 수 없는 악몽, 멈출 수 없이 빠져드는 치명적인 판타지를 그렸다. 에이핑크, 걸스데이, 우주소녀 등 많은 히트곡으로 주목받고 있는 여성 프로듀서 SEION이 작사, 작곡, 프로듀싱에 참여했다.
Lyrics SEION / Composed SEION / Arranged SEION / Keyboard SEION / Chorus 이시연, SEION / Guitar 고태영 / Bass TASCO / Recording engineer 정일진 / Mixing engineer 조준성 (assisted by 허은숙) / Mastering engineer 권남우
3. Wake up
자유롭고 모험적인 가사와 드림캐쳐 특유의 메탈 록 사운드의 곡. 누구나 지루한 일상을 벗어나고픈 생각을 마음 속 한켠에 지니고 있을 것이다. 이 곡의 가사와 시원한 록 사운드로 일탈의 기분을 느껴볼 수 있다. 일어나라! 지금!
Lyrics 김보은 / Composed Ollounder LEEZ / Arranged Ollounder LEEZ / Keyboard LEEZ / Chorus 이시연 LEEZ / Guitar 김태훈 / Bass Ollounder / Drum Ollounder / Recording engineer 정일진 / Mixing engineer 김석민 / Mastering engineer 권남우
4. Sleep-walking
거짓된 기억을 믿는 소녀의 그리워하는 마음이 몽유병으로 이어진 비극적인 스토리와, 집착스런 사랑을 강렬한 사운드로 표현했다. 마치 악몽으로 분한 드림캐쳐의 속삭임과 같은 묘한 매력이 담겼다. 아울러 DnB(드럼&베이스) 장르 본연의 색깔을 살려낸 점이 돋보인다.
Lyrics LEEZ Ollounder / Composed LEEZ Ollounder / Arranged LEEZ / Keyboard LEEZ / Chorus 이시연 김유현 LEEZ / Guitar 김태훈 / Bass LEEZ / Drum LEEZ / Recording engineer 정일진 / Mixing engineer 김석민 / Mastering engineer 권남우
5. 괜찮아!
팬들을 향한 드림캐쳐의 사랑이 드러나는 곡. 비가 오는 날이면 괜히 우울해지고, 바쁜 일상에 치이고, 자존감이 낮아진 자신을 문득 보게 된다. 그런 이들을 토닥이며 위로하는 드림캐쳐의 목소리와 가사, 그리고 멜로디가 인상적인 록발라드 넘버다.
Lyrics Ollounder / Composed Ollounder / Arranged Ollounder / Keyboard Ollounder / Chorus 이시연 / Guitar 김태훈 / Bass Ollounder / Drum Ollounder / Recording engineer 정일진 / Mixing engineer 김석민 / Mastering engineer 권남우
6. 날아올라(Fly high) (Inst.)
Composed SEION / Arranged SEION / Keyboard SEION / Guitar 고태영 / Bass TASCO / Recording engineer 정일진 / Mixing engineer 조준성 (assisted by 허은숙) / Mastering engineer 권남우
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