

[Mystic Pop-up Bar / 쌍갑포차] JTBC Drama OST

[Mystic Pop-up Bar / 쌍갑포차] JTBC Drama OST

Release Date: July 6, 2020


Depending on versions, contents (cover, photo book, mini book, photo cards, posters, etc.) in the official album package may vary.


All products are officially distributed BRAND NEW and FACTORY SEALED packages.

Your purchase quantity will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.


Track List

01. Dive [정진우]『< Song >』
02. 사랑은 추억을 닮아서 [육성재]『< Song >』
03. I’ll Be [벤]『< Song >』
04. 우리가 함께했던 날들 [조현아]『< Song >』
05. 내일에 바래다줄게 [DMEANOR(디미너)]『< Song >』
06. 이승과 저승사이『< Score >』
07. 그때 그 어느날『< Score >』
08. Dream Adventure『< Score >』
09. 월주 나가신다『< Score >』
10. 초월『< Score >』
11. 그승 운동회『< Score >』
12. 엄마 나의 엄마『< Score >』
13. Sneak In『< Score >』
14. Horror Mart『< Score >』
15. 있는 그대로『< Score >』
16. I Will Watch Over You『< Score >』
17. Into the Dream『< Score >』
18. 저승벅스『< Score >』


Description (Translated):

JTBC Wed-Thu drama “Ssanggappocha” Original Sound Track released

Along with Hwang Jung-eum, Yook Seong-jae, and Choi Won-young’s perfect acting, we meet the OST of the JTBC drama ‘Ssanggappocha’, which was responsible for the Wednesday and Thursday nights of viewers in the home room, as an album.

In this album, Yook Sung-jae, who plays the role of Kang-bae in the play, directly participated in the singing, as well as Jung Jin-woo, who has been reborn as an emerging OST powerhouse with a unique speech method, Ben, the owner of deep appeal, Cho Hyun-ah, a member of Urban Zakapa, a mixed group with unrivaled sensibility, and domestic and international trendsetters. OSTs that further enhanced the immersion of ‘Ssanggappocha’, including DMEANOR (Deminer), which people pay attention to, are recorded.

In addition to this, it will consist of a total of 18 songs, including a solid story that makes viewers cry and laugh, and a score track that continues, leaving a strong impression of the drama.

Based on a webtoon of the same name, ‘Ssanggappocha’ is a fantasy counseling drama in which a picky aunt and an innocent young part-timer enter the dreams of customers and resolve their resentment.


Description (Original):

JTBC 수목드라마 “쌍갑포차” Original Sound Track 발매

황정음·육성재·최원영의 찰떡 연기 호흡과 함께 안방 시청자들의 수목 밤을 책임진 JTBC 드라마 ‘쌍갑포차’ OST를 음반으로 만난다.

이번 앨범에는 극 중 강배 역을 맡은 육성재가 직접 가창에 참여한 곡뿐만 아니라 유니크한 화법으로 신흥 OST 강자로 거듭난 정진우, 짙은 호소력의 소유자 벤, 독보적인 감성의 혼성 그룹 어반자카파 멤버 조현아, 국내외 트렌드 세터들이 주목하는 DMEANOR(디미너)까지 ‘쌍갑포차’의 몰입도를 한층 높여준 OST들이 알차게 수록됐다.

이 외에도 시청자들을 울고 웃긴 탄탄한 스토리와 이어지는 스코어 트랙까지, 총 18곡으로 구성되어 드라마의 여운을 진하게 남길 예정이다.

10점 만점 평점 동명의 웹툰을 원작으로 한 ‘쌍갑포차’는 신비한 포장마차의 까칠한 이모님과 순수청년 알바생이 손님들의 꿈속에 들어가 맺힌 한을 풀어주는 판타지 카운슬링 드라마이다.

[Mystic Pop-up Bar / 쌍갑포차] JTBC Drama OST
[Mystic Pop-up Bar / 쌍갑포차] JTBC Drama OST
[Mystic Pop-up Bar / 쌍갑포차] JTBC Drama OST
[Mystic Pop-up Bar / 쌍갑포차] JTBC Drama OST
[Mystic Pop-up Bar / 쌍갑포차] JTBC Drama OST
[Mystic Pop-up Bar / 쌍갑포차] JTBC Drama OST
[Mystic Pop-up Bar / 쌍갑포차] JTBC Drama OST
[Mystic Pop-up Bar / 쌍갑포차] JTBC Drama OST
[Mystic Pop-up Bar / 쌍갑포차] JTBC Drama OST

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